415 Squadron Association
In 1980, as the Maritime Patrol community was beginning its transition from Argus to Aurora, Crew 5 represented Canada at FINCASTLE. It was the last time an Argus flew in the competition. In Memories of FINCASTLE 1980, Steve Nichol recounts his experience as a member of the competition crew.
East Moor Memorial is an annual event that honours the veterans of 415, 429 and 432 Sqns who served at Royal Air Force (RAF) Station East Moor, Yorkshire, England. The memorial takes place in Sutton-on-the-Forest, a small village adjacent to the former airfield that once was the home to nearly 1800 RCAF and RAF personnel. (Continue to Article)
Next 415 Sqn Assoc Meeting
1300 Hrs, 18 Apr 24
14 Wing Museum
2023 East Moor Memorial
Sutton-on-the-Forest, Yorkshire, England
Article by Major Mike McSween
2024 East Moor Memorial
Sutton-on-the-Forest, Yorkshire, England
Article by LCol Patrick Leblanc
Once again on a bright Saturday afternoon in May, the good people of Sutton-on-the-Forest, United Kingdom, came together to remember those who served and paid the ultimate sacrifice during WWII during the annual East Moor Memorial. The service is held each year to honour the veterans of 415 and 429 Squadrons that served at Royal Air Force (RAF) Station East Moor, Yorkshire. During the war, the village of Sutton-on-the-Forest once was the home to nearly 1,800 Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) and RAF personnel. (Continue to Article)
In February 2024, Mary Lou Walker, reached out to the 415 Squadron Association to learn more about Dugald Morrison’s time on 415 Squadron. She was writing a story about Dugald but was not fully aware of his wartime service or the circumstances which led to his death during World War II.
When Mary Lou contacted us she noted that her mother had been afflicted by Alzheimer’s disease. It happened that one day while she was visiting her mother, they were looking at old family photographs. Suddenly, her mother, who at the time was in the advanced stages of the disease, called out “that’s Dugald”. Mary Lou learned that her mother and Dugald had been childhood friends. Following some investigation she also learned that Dugald’s last name was Morrison and that he had been killed in action during World War II. In due course Mary Lou became aware that Dugald had no extended family remaining and therefore there was nobody left to remember him and honour his sacrifice.
Following the death of her mother she had a stone placed in the Air Force Memorial Garden at 8 Wing Trenton in honour of her mother’s childhood friend. She attended the annual dedication ceremony, at which the stone was placed. Mary Lou then resolved to write an article about Dugald’s life. Assisting in her endeavor, our Association provided information about Dugald’s service with 415 and the unique circumstances in which he lost his life. Her story about Dugald was recently published by the Seventh Town Historical Society, which is located in Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, Ontario – not far from CFB Trenton and close to CFD Mountain View. The full story, which appeared in the November 2024 issue of “Quinte Kin”. (Continue to Article)
F/O Dugald Morrison
The Government of Canada has announced that the CP140 Aurora will be replaced by the P-8A Poseidon. It is expected that a new fleet of 16 aircraft will be fully operational by 2032. The following opinion piece written by Ernie Cable posits that Canada made the right choice when choosing the Boeing P-8A, developed from the BOEING 737-NG (New Generation) airliner.