415 Squadron Association
Len Hunt Photos
The photos and documents below came from the collection of Len Hunt, an Electrical Technician with 415 Squadron during the war and were provided to us by Mrs Elsie Hunt, via Mr Derek Cooper in the United Kingdom. It is believed that Len Hunt served with 415 Squadron from 1942 until the end of the war. We were very appreciative to have received these historic images from Mrs Hunt.
415 Squadron Electrical Section - 10 September 1943
Back Row, Left to Right: Mac Howard - Windsor, Ontario, Slim Cramphorn - London, England, Dan Simmons - Toronto, Ontario,
John Fowler - Middleton, Nova Scotia, Bob Lizzimore - London, England, Fred Ewer - Windsor, Ontario, Bob Bogle - Vancouver, British Columbia, Fred Belcher - Regina, Saskatoon.
Front Row, Left to Right: Barney Binder - Toronto, Ontario, Charley Bogle - Brighton, England, Wilf Marcotte -
Aylmer, Quebec, Flight Sgt Ruddick - Edinburgh, Scotland, Gladys Hughes - Bodwin, Cornwall, Sandy Ferguson - Yorkshire, England,
Stan McBride - Toronto, Ontario, Blondie Locke - London England.
In front of the Sqn Signal's Section. Len is the short chap in front and centre.
Guarding a 415 Sqn Hampton
Squadron mates. Len is in the front to the right.