A sample of Tea and Cakes served at the
Grey Village Hall
The memorial in Brafferton, Yorkshire to honour six RCAF and one RAF member killed in the crash of a Halifax Bomber on 21 August 1944
415 Squadron Association
The Grey Village hall in Sutton-on-the-Forest where tea and cakes are served and locals gather following the memorial service
Pipers play tribute at the crash site of a Halifax Bomber in Brafferton, Yorkshire
Pipers play tribute at the crash site of a Halifax Bomber in Brafferton, Yorkshire
2024 East Moor Memorial
Sutton-on-the-Forest, Yorkshire, England
Article by LCol Patrick LeBlanc
Once again on a bright Saturday afternoon in May, the good people of Sutton-on-the-Forest, United Kingdom, came together to remember those who served and paid the ultimate sacrifice during WWII during the annual East Moor Memorial. The service is held each year to honour the three Canadian Squadrons stationed at Royal Air Force (RAF) Station East Moor, Yorkshire; 415, 429 and 432 Squadrons. During the war, the village of Sutton-on-the-Forest once was the home to nearly 1,800 Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) and RAF personnel.
Unfortunately, due to recent budget cuts, the RCAF was unable to send currently serving members from 415 or 429 Sqns to take part in the memorial. Luckily, former 415 Sqn CO, LCol Patrick LeBlanc, is currently serving on exchange with the RAF and was just a short 4-hour drive away. LCol LeBlanc and family were able to attend and represent the RCAF, continuing with the tradition of a current serving RCAF member attending each year since 1998.
During the warmest day yet this year in the UK, the memorial service started with LCol LeBlanc addressing most people from the village who had gathered to show their respect and support. LCol LeBlanc touched on the fact that the RCAF is celebrating its 100th anniversary and noted that this milestone is a good time to reflect on the past, note current world issues and plan for the future. Rev. Steve Whiting then provided reflections and prayers for all in attendance. Sqn Ldr Henry Morgan RAF (Rtd) then presented the Act of Remembrance, followed by lone bugler Jamie Higton playing the Last Post and Reveille.
Upon completion of speeches, wreaths were laid by LCol Leblanc on behalf of the RCAF, along with flowers for both 415 and 429 Sqns. LCol LeBlanc enacted the assistance of his daughters to present the flowers. Mr. Robert Sheffield laid a wreath on behalf of Sutton-on-the-Forest. A cadet laid a wreath on behalf of the East Moor Family and the Air Museum in York presented the final wreath.
The touching ceremony came to a close with remarks from Mr. Robert Sheffield, followed by both national anthems being played. At the conclusion of the service, all in attendance gathered across the road at the Grey Village Hall where once again, a large assortment of tea and cakes were put on for all to enjoy.
Like the previous year, lead piper, Mr. Jim Sharpe, offered to take LCol LeBlanc to the town of Brafferton for a private memorial ceremony. LCol LeBlanc, with family in tow, graciously accepted once again and went to visit a memorial at the crash site of Halifax Bomber NA612. This aircraft was shot down a mere mile from landing after a mission on August 21, 1944, killing the six Royal Canadian Air Force members and one Royal Air Force member on board. The pipers played a few tunes while LCol LeBlanc and his family reflected once again on the historical importance of the site.
For the past eight years, the East Moor memorial has been planned and organized by a current serving member of the RAF, Alan Dolding. With Alan’s recent retirement from the RAF, the reins were handed over to Mr. Anthony Prowde, a counsillor on the Sutton-on-the-Forest Parish council, who took on the task with great enthusiasm and was successful in putting on a moving ceremony. LCol LeBlanc wishes to thank the parish members of Sutton-on-the-Forest, veterans and citizens who choose not to forget the sacrifices made by so many RCAF and Allied personnel. A special note of gratitude is required for Mr. Anthony Prowde who was willing to continue this very memorable tradition and will hopefully do so for many years to come (ideally with the continuation of RCAF attendance!). Ad Metam.
LCol LeBlanc (CO 415 Sqn 2020-2022) LCol LeBlanc salutes memorial after LCol LeBlanc's daughters lay wreaths on
stands next to Sutton-on-the-Forest laying a wreath on behalf of the RCAF behalf of 415 and 429 Squadrons
Village Sign
LCol LeBlanc stands withorganizer
Tony Prowdy and previous long-time
organizer Andy Dodling