1000 ON 29 MARCH 2016
Chairperson Chris Henneberry (President)
Jack Backstrom (Vice-President)
Bill Brown (Treasurer)
Jeff McBean (Membership)
Al Harvey (Museum Liaison)
Bert Campbell (Web Manager)
Reid McBride (Kit Shop) regrets
Rick Anscomb (VPI Liaison)
Chris Larsen (History Associate) regrets
Steve Tremblay (Social Media) regrets
Brian Fox (415 Representative for Serge Parisien)
Niels Roggenkemp (415 History) regrets
Butch Fleury
1. The Chairman acknowledged all participants and noted the good turnout for this meeting. He warmly welcomed Jack Backstrom to his first meeting, as a member of the Association Executive. The Chairman also noted the presence of Brian Fox, the 415 Squadron 75th Anniversary OPI. Brian also acted as the 415 Representative, as Serge Parisien was preparing to deploy.
2. The proposed Agenda for the meeting was reviewed and accepted as presented.
3. The Record of Discussion of the 12 November 2015 was reviewed and accepted as promulgated. The review confirmed that necessary action has been taken or is underway to meet stated objectives. The Chairman also noted that since the November meeting there had been no less than five correspondences concerning different WWII Veterans. To date one new veteran story has been published, two stories are nearing completion and a previous story has been updated. Also an article concerning the Stand-Up of 415 Squadron has been forwarded to the Air Force Association and is scheduled to be published in their June edition. A copy of this article has been placed on the Association website.
4. The Chairman then noted that the primary reason for gathering at this time was to determine how the Association could assist the Squadron with their plans for the 75th Anniversary Celebration. Thus far the CO 415 Squadron, LCol Jeff Davis, had asked the Association to contact and invite remaining WWII Veterans and former Commanding Officers to the 75th Anniversary. To date two of five WWII Veterans have indicated that they plan to attend. Likewise five of thirteen former COs plan to participate.
5. 2016 East Moor Memorial. The Squadron will be sending a contingent of two, led by Major Angela Thomas. The OPI has been in contact with the Village Coordinator and has offered to meet with the students at the village school. The CO 415 has also advised that two representatives from 429 Squadron are also scheduled to attend. A notice of the 2016 event, Saturday 21 May, has been placed on the Association Website.
6. Membership Report. The Membership Coordinator provided an updated Alumni List, which currently included 120 members. The Chairman provided information concerning Al Huffman, a former WWII Halifax Crew Captain, and requested that his name be added to the Alumni List.
7. Financial Report. The Treasurer provided a verbal report noting that the current bank balance of $3562 – a modest decrease in the balance. He stated that $200 had been provided for the gift to the Veterans Wing at Soldiers Memorial Hospital.
8. Kit Shop Report. The Chairman noted that the Coordinator had advised that there were no sales over the past three month period. The Chairman then provided an update on the Squadron Tie project, which had been proceeding with email input from executive members. At this point authority has been given to proceed with the purchase of 50 ties at a total cost of $1065. He stated that the ties would sell for $30 each and that 16 ties are already pre-sold. It is expected that the ties will be delivered by mid-May 2016. The Chairman then passed around a prototype, which received good reviews from all those in attendance.
9. Jeff McBean noted that in November there had been discussion concerning the possible acquisition of Squadron golf shirts. Initially there had been speculation that the Squadron would initiate a purchase; however, the Squadron Representative noted that no steps had been taken to acquire golf shirts. Following discussion it was decided that Jeff McBean would put together an Association proposal to purchase golf shirts. It was agreed that the logo should be a swordfish surrounded by the words “415 SQUADRON” and “AD METAM”. It was recommended that in building his proposal Jeff McBean should contact the Squadron Kit Shop and discuss how the sale of Squadron golf shirts could be optimized. It can be expected that a proposal will be circulated by email prior to May 2016. Ideally golf shirts would be available for purchase by Executive members prior to the 75th Anniversary celebration.
10. Charitable Affiliation. Al Harvey noted that the presentation of the Association gift to the Veteran’s Wing had taken place as planned. A short story and photo had been prepared and placed in the Aurora paper and the Association website. In addition to Al, the CO 415 Sqn, the SCWO and Sergeant Kim Smith assisted at the presentation. Starting this year the Squadron will take the lead for this event.
11. Status Report 2015 Projects:
(1) Support Squadron Stand-Up, All, Status: Complete
(2) Website Design, OPI Bert Campbell, Status: Complete
Update: Bert Campbell provided a demonstration of the new website design. At this point 98% of the existing files have been copied and it is expected that the new site will be launched by 1 April 2016.
(3) 10th Anniversary General Meeting, All, Status: Complete
Update: The meeting was conducted on 5 June 2015. The Association mandate was adjusted and the Association Constitution was amended.
12. Status Report 2016 Projects:
(1) Argus Crews 1961-1970, OPI Chris Henneberry, Status: 30%
Update: Chris Henneberry met with Niels Roggenkemp at the Squadron in January to acquire copies of Argus crew photos held by the Squadron. Over two days 31 crew photos of varying quality and a limited number of crew lists were located. It is intended that in due course these photos will be placed on the Association website. It is hoped that additional crew photos and corrected crew lists will be acquired during the 75th Anniversary event.
(2) 4TH Era Banner, OPI 415 Representative, Status: 50%
Update: Although the Association was prepared to coordinate and fund the development of the banner, the Squadron decided that this project would more appropriately be their responsibility. It is expected that the banner will be ready for display at the 75th Anniversary celebration.
(3) 75th Anniversary Support, All, Status: 15%
Update: The 415 Squadron Representative provided a very limited update on Squadron preparations for the celebration. From the discussion which followed, it is evident that Wing planning has suffered from a late start and a lack of energy from the participating units. Given that 415 Squadron is prepared to move ahead to ensure a quality display, the Association Executive offered the following suggestions:
• Sqn display should be under cover
• Sqn display requires electrical connectivity
• Sqn display requires firm floor (consider Arena)
• Sqn display should included banners, photo albums, pictures from each era, photo collage of personnel, etc
• Comfortable seating for veterans/visitors
• Computer, scanner, projector and screen
• Tables for Association business
• Tables for Association and Squadron Kit Shops
The Association is prepared to provide two representatives on duty throughout the period 1000 – 1500 on Friday 24 June 2016. It can be expected that the Association will welcome new members, seek to acquire historical information and photos from visitors to the Squadron display, and ensure there are items for sale as part of the Kit Shop.
13. Potential Projects for 2017. An initial call for 2017 projects was made. As previously discussed, it was thought that collecting a record of Annual Squadron Historical Reports would be a worthwhile endeavour. In addition, Jack Backstrom suggested that efforts could be made to acquire a record of Swordfish Tales that had been published both in Summerside and Greenwood. The Chairman asked that members be prepared to discuss these proposals and provide additional project ideas at the next Executive Meeting.
14. Social Media Coordination. Steve Tremblay is currently away on an extended business trip. He has advised that there are now over one hundred 415 FACEBOOK members.
15. Other. Chris Larsen has advised that he intends to focus his energies on assisting 404 Squadron to further develop their history. As a result, his ability to assist the 415 Squadron Association with future projects will be limited.
16. There being no further business, it was agreed to adjourn the meeting at 1115. It is expected that most if not all Executive Members will be present for the 75th Anniversary celebration. The next Association meeting is not expected prior to late fall 2016.
C. Henneberry
05 April 2016
415 Squadron Association